Does the Town allow individuals, events or groups to be recognized within the Town?

Yes, the Town Board has guidelines and process for memorials which is as follows Guidelines for Public Memorials in the Town of Russell. The Town of Russell recognizes the need for memorials to be established to recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have made a significant contribution to the culture or history of the Town of Russell. Individuals and families that have a desire to establish a memorial should follow these guidelines that provide a process for establishing such memorials.

  1. A written Request for Memorial shall be submitted in writing to the Town and explain who is being memorialized, their contribution to the Town of Russell, and what is being proposed for a memorial. If requested, the Town will provide the requester with a selection of suggested items and images of available recognition items.
  2.  Memorials will consist of a standard bench or table, selected by the Town Board, or a sign, to be placed on Town-owned land. If requesting a memorial sign, a scaled drawing must be submitted with the request form.
  3. The Town Board, may, from time to time, add other items to the list of approved memorials as they see fit.
  4. The Town Plan Commission will review the request and forward a recommendation to the Town Board with a list of where a bench or table could be placed on Town land.
  5. The request will be reviewed by the Town Board who will determine
    a. whether the person has “made a significant contribution to the culture or history of the Town of Russell,”
    b. whether there is a current need in the Town for a bench or table, or other memorial item, and
    c. the approved location for the placement of the memorial item.
  6. All signs will be displayed at the Community Center in the “sign garden”.
  7.  If approved, the Town will notify the requestor and will coordinate the completion of the recognition process.
  8. All costs associated with the purchase of memorial, including shipping, will be borne by the donor.
  9.  The item will be installed by Town employees, Board members, or volunteers with town employee or Board member supervision.
  10. Memorial items will remain on Town grounds until they become unsafe, or unacceptable from an aesthetic standpoint. If an item falls into disrepair due to age, wear, vandalism, storm damage, etc., the donor will be informed, and the donor may choose to repair or replace the item, otherwise the Town will remove the item.
  11.  The Town reserves the right to move or remove a memorial item.